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What are the Benefits of Drinking Coffee to Support the Indonesian Coffee Industry

What are the benefits of drinking coffee to support the Indonesian coffee industry? Let's, find out!

4 min

There are various things that Indonesia can be proud of, one of which is its achievements in the coffee industry. In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest coffee production in the world. In 2019, Indonesia managed to attain the 4th position, behind Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia. Great, right?

But, this big achievement didn't just happen, you know! There are various efforts from the government and local coffee farmers so that Indonesian coffee remains one of the best and is still popular, both at home and abroad.

If you want to help support the coffee industry in Indonesia, one of the main steps you can take is to continue drinking coffee. The following are the benefits of drinking coffee to support the Indonesian coffee industry!

Increase Coffee Sales


If there is demand of course, the supply will increase. This also applies to coffee production in Indonesia. According to data from the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Indonesian people consumed around 51% of their coffee production in the 2018–2019 period. The percentage of domestic coffee consumption is considered the largest in the world.


Also Read: Three Benefits of Drinking Coffee in the Morning


Now, with the habit of drinking coffee every day, you will contribute to increasing the sales value. The results are not only realized by contributing to the country's achievements but also by supporting the livelihoods and economic sustainability of local farmers.



Supporting Local Coffee Farmers' Skills Development


If you didn't know, Nestlé collaborates with tens of thousands of local Indonesian farmers in producing various products NESCAFÉ. This collaboration is not just limited to choosing Indonesian coffee as the main ingredient. Nestlé is also committed to developing farmers' skills so they can be even more productive, such as by holding a special business school for farmers.


But, that's not the only benefit of drinking coffee for local coffee farmers! Nestlé also ensures that farmers are not only good at producing or selling coffee, but also other things. Nestlé does this by providing guidance regarding intercropping techniques so that coffee plantations can also produce other vegetables which can increase farmers' income.



Supporting a Healthy Ecosystem


In the production process NESCAFÉ, Nestlé also implements sustainable agriculture through the Grown Respectfully program. This program also includes the benefits of drinking coffee above, namely supporting the lives of local coffee farmers.


Apart from that, this program also ensures that the sustainability of the environment. Some of the efforts made include water conservation, preventing deforestation, and supporting biodiversity. By doing this, Nestlé can continue to produce delicious coffee responsibly.



Supporting Coffee Quality to Become Better


All the benefits of drinking coffee that have been mentioned above will lead to increased coffee quality. Do you believe it?


By supporting the development of local farmers' skills, the coffee produced will be handled better on an ongoing basis. With a healthy ecosystem, coffee production can be more productive and stronger in fighting the attack of various diseases that can reduce the quality of coffee.


So, those are some of the benefits of drinking coffee for the Indonesian coffee industry as a whole. Basically, your choice of coffee and coffee drinking habits can have an indirect impact on Indonesia's achievements in the world coffee industry, the lives of local farmers, and efforts to protect the environment. Therefore, continue to be wise in choosing and enjoying coffee, OK?


Not only is it processed through a special drying method which makes the coffee easily soluble, instant coffee NESCAFÉ is produced responsibly for the sustainability of the Indonesian and global coffee industry. Hopefully, this will be useful for you!



What are the Benefits of Drinking Coffee to Support the Indonesian Coffee Industry?

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